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About Our Solar Services 

Solar System Design & Engineering

Our team of experienced solar engineers will design a custom solar system that meets your specific needs and budget.

Supply, Installation & Commissioning

We handle the entire solar installation process from start to finish, including obtaining permits, installing the equipment, and connecting your system to the grid.

Cleaning & Maintenance

Our professional solar cleaning and maintenance services will help to keep your solar panels clean and free of debris, maximizing their energy output and extending their lifespan.

On-Grid & Off-Grid

On-grid solar systems are connected to the public electricity grid, allowing you to sell excess solar energy back to your utility company. Off-grid solar systems are completely independent of the grid, making them ideal for remote locations.

Solar Tube Wells Pumps & Systems

Solar tube well pumps and systems are a sustainable and cost-effective way to irrigate crops, provide drinking water, and power other applications. We offer a wide range of solar tube well pumps and systems to choose from.

Performance, Quality and Reliability

Why Choose Us?

Solar Power Solutions That Work

We help you save money on your electricity bills with our affordable solar solutions. Solar energy is a free and renewable resource, so once you have installed a solar system, you will be able to lock in low electricity rates for decades to come.

We make it easy to switch to solar with our seamless integration process. We will work with you to design a custom solar system that meets your needs and budget, and we will handle the entire installation process from start to finish. You can be confident that your solar system will be integrated seamlessly with your existing electrical system, and that you will be able to start generating clean, renewable energy right away.

We provide reliable and sustainable power 24/7, even during power outages. With a solar battery backup system, you can be confident that you will always have access to clean, renewable energy, even when the grid goes down. Our battery backup systems are also scalable, so you can choose the size that best meets your needs.

Our Partners in Solar Innovation

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