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Shaping the Future
of Sustainable Future

Terranova Energy, a project of Oslo Power, harnessing the power of the sun to eliminate Pakistan's energy crisis.

Seamless Integration

Makes electricity cost effective

24/7 Sustainable Power Availability

Uninterrupted, Clean Energy For All.

About Terranova Energy

Terranova Energy, a project of Oslo Power, was established in 2022 to offer sustainable renewable energy solutions nationwide. Our pride lies in providing cutting-edge solar systems for a broad and dynamic range of clients, enhancing energy efficiency across Pakistan.

Our commitment extends to successful installations, supply, and commissioning of solar energy systems, making Pakistan more energy-efficient, one strategic location at a time.

With a team of specialized experts, we’re illuminating Pakistan’s future with innovation, efficiency, and sustainability.

“Terranova Energy is the driving force behind Pakistan’s renewable energy evolution. Our commitment to solarization solutions is reshaping Pakistan’s energy landscape for commercial, residential, and industrial clients.”

Saad Uz Zaman Khan

Our Partners in Solar Innovation

Premium Expertise Ensured

Our Solar Services

Turn-key solar energy systems

Experience efficiency and sustainability through Terranova Energy’s one-stop solar services. From residential solarization to mega solar farms, we power a brighter, cost-effective tomorrow. Our services encompass off-grid, on-grid, hybrid solar system’s design, supply, installation, commissioning, cleaning and maintenance. We also offer cutting-edge smart lighting solutions throughout Pakistan.

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Illuminating Progress Nationwide

Our Notable Projects

Discover our successful solar projects across Pakistan, from smart street lights to residential and commercial solarization.

See Us in Action

Our Solar Project

Quality & Warranty Assured

Our Premium Solar Products


Performance, Quality and Reliability

Common questions answered

Frequently Asked Questions

You will get connected for expert consultation for the best outcome. After your go ahead, our team will arrive at the site and install a solar power system within 1 to 3 days. 

Absolutely. Solar panels offer long-term savings on electricity bills and reduce environmental impact. Terranova Energy’s team ensures that your investment is not only financially sound but also aligned with a greener future.

At Terranova Energy, we use premium quality imported solar products with warranty and maximum longevity. We proudly supply smart solar street lights manufactured in France by our principal ‘Fonroche,’ a pioneer firm in the lighting industry globally.

Solar panels can typically be installed on most types of roofs, including flat and sloped roofs. However, the suitability may depend on factors like roof condition, shading, and structural integrity. Our experts can assess your specific situation to determine the best installation approach.

While solar panels are most efficient in direct sunlight, they can still generate some electricity on cloudy or rainy days. They rely on daylight, not necessarily direct sunlight, to produce power. However, production may be lower during extended periods of poor weather.

Solar panels generally require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning to remove dirt and debris is recommended, usually a few times a year. Additionally, annual inspections ensure optimal performance, and our team provides maintenance services when needed.

Yes, most solar panel systems are scalable. You can add more panels or expand your system as your energy needs grow. Our experts will assess your current setup and recommend appropriate expansions.

Solar panel systems can increase the value of your property. If you decide to move, you have options. You can transfer the system to the new property, negotiate with the buyer, or sell the system separately.

Yes, we provide monitoring services that allow you to track your system’s performance remotely. You can see real-time data, including energy production and savings, through a user-friendly interface.

Yes, we offer solutions like hybrid solar systems with battery storage. These systems store excess energy produced during the day, which can be used during power outages to keep critical appliances running.

The payment process for solar panel installation typically involves multiple steps. First, you’ll receive a detailed quote based on your specific requirements. After accepting the quote, an initial deposit may be required to secure the equipment and schedule the installation. The remaining balance is usually due upon completion of the installation. If you’re opting for financing, we offer various payment plans, including deferred payments, loans, and other customized options.

  1. Solar panels are built to be durable and withstand various weather conditions. They rarely break under normal circumstances. However, like any equipment, they can be subject to wear and tear over time. Most solar panels come with warranties that typically last 25 to 30 years or longer. These warranties often cover manufacturing defects and guarantee a certain level of performance. In the rare event that a panel malfunctions due to a covered issue, it should be replaced at no additional cost during the warranty period. Our team can provide more detailed information on warranties for specific panel models.
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